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Mrityunjay Kumar

Artificial intelligence | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Big Data Analytics | Cloud Architect


Banking and Financial Services

- BMW Financial Services  - Residual Value Setting (RVS).
  The overall goal of Residual Value Risk Management is to support the sale and sales volume of vehicles taking into consideration 
  the potential underlying risk and the residual value at the end of the contract.
  The Residual value(price) setting for the BMW products (all series of Cars ) at various time period; 
  for setting value( price) it includes time series data,Economic_data,Coefficient_data,Trim_Split_data and Term_Mileage_data and 
  other  factors such as oil price, inflation rate, model age, GDP growth including some of other depending variables across the BMW.

-RBS( Royal bank of sccotland ) - Customer Life Time Value (CVA).

  This project is customer analytics where Teradata Value analyzer (A teradata product for Customer profitability) is used to analyze
  customers at all level Customer/Account/Products/Rewards/cash back). 
  On top of retail banking it determine the customer life time value and segment them on the basis of products and service they are using, 
  Products include(Saving account, personal loan, money transmission, mortgages, credtit cards ) which they are using on the period of time,
  to retain them we calculate the ROI,profitablity and various other parameters and benchmark them as loyal/profitable and other segmented customer.

  - HDFC BANK - Anti Money Laundering (AML)
   This project is all about AML (Anti - money Laundering). SAS Enterprise Case Management enables investigators and operational
   risk managers to streamline processes and conduct more efficient, effective investigations, leading to reduced costs and better 
   fraud prevention. 
   The solution provides a structured environment for managing investigation workflows, attaching comments or documentation and recording
   financial information, such as exposures and losses. Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs), Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs),
   NTR (Non Profit Organization Reports), MTSS, CCR etc. 
   Define processes and create multiple customized, automated workflows for various types of cases – fraud, physical security, anti-money laundering, 
   regulatory filings, etc.
  - PACL India Ltd - Overriding Commission (ORC) & Agency.
  Project Description: PACL India Limited has the various Investment insurance plans for the Investors.( It has own the concept of Blockchain where 
  they purchase the lands on investors money and provide promising allotment of lands papers to the investors in terms of guarantee return on 
  maturity with maximum return.)
  ORC and Agency is related to generate the commissions to the agents who collecting the premium from the insurance policy Holder across the country 
  and regional branches. To generate commissions to agents and calculate their overriding Commissions, It makes the EM (Executive Manager) rank 12 to 
  Agents rank 1 house for any  particular group. It makes a chain system recursively for any group.

Energy & Utilities

  - British Gas/Centrica - Smart Insight Analytics.
   This project includes core Insight and Analytics team of British gas which is sole responsible of various projects runnings on SAS EBI Analytics platform.
   Writing ETL jobs-Stored procedures and migration of business to new Hadoop Environment is responsiblites of SAS core team.
   This team includes people from variuos IT organizations with one team for the Insights & analytics project.

  - Schlumberger - Assets Planning and Management.
  Drilling & Measurement Asset Planning is providing planning tools for Management, operational planners and resource coordinators 
  across three key transformation areas;

    :- Assets Planning
    :- Activity to Demand Planning
    :- Workforce Planning
    Creation of SAS Visual Analytics reports applied for all across.


  - UnitedHealth Group - Oxford Health 
      Project Description: UnitedHealth Group (A Fortune 5 Company) deal with the health insurance and this project is all about Health insurance.
      UnitedHealth Group  has the galaxy(3rd Biggest dataware house in the world), and many ETL and staging and Mart are there with dimentiosns & facts. 
      SAS Production Support( Support work ): - SAS production data mart loading, staging, extract and reporting failure that coming from the scheduled 
      SAS jobs on AIX UNIX Server. I was responsible for finding out and digging inside the reason that causes the failures, analyzing, troubleshooting, 
      and fixing it and making proper document for further information.
      SAS Production Enhancement(Development work): - Development of SAS code for production releases using SAS Base/Advance after getting requirement 
      from the client (Onsite team) and end users(Different applications business owners). Automation of SAS jobs that are being executed manual for the 
      production automation.

Retail & Supply Chain

  - Airbus (Hazardous Material Tracking) & MATALAN.
Sopra Group India is the offshore Service Centre of Sopra Group (Europe among top IT Company) delivering to French and international clients.
Here I worked with the Client Airbus. Airbus is a leading aircraft manufacturer. Here I have responsibility for the Supply Chain Management 
System for EHS (Environment Health and Safety) for HAZMAT (HAZARDIOUS MATERIAL TRACKING).


  - TeliaSonera, SAS Marketing Automation with Customer intelligence. - 
	CVD2:-This project is SAS customer Intelligence where SAS Customer Intelligence tool is used for creating campaign, scheduling it and tracking 
	response history after receiving campaign response to analyze customers at all level.
	CRT (Campaign Recommendation tool):- CRT ETL & Download data used for analysis by CRM analysts which is essential for various teams like CRM team 
	to categorize the run campaigns marketing and various levels of customers coming in and out.CRT application takes difference in source systems and 
	to satisfy needs regarding desired campaigns.CRT application downloads campaign master data to DWH and made available for consumer CRM analysts.

Software Products

  - Cens-Us & Genee-Us (Interactive Products) -
Project Description: Advance use of ICT (Interactive Communication Technology) within schools, universities and Corporate. 
The type of technology required in the 21st century learning and decision making environment and seek to push the boundaries of decisions where possible. 
It provides Delphi Techniques (feedback, Response) system for the various types of questionnaires for making sustaining edge decisions (various types of Reports) 
from the group of expertise, Students and respective audience