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Mrityunjay Kumar

Artificial intelligence | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Big Data Analytics | Cloud Architect


2019 Forum

-ACL 2019 ( Association for Computational Linguistics )

-ICML 2019 (International Conference on Machine Learning )

-IJCAI 2019 ( International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence )

-KDD 2019 ( Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining )

-NIPS 2019 ( Neural Information Processing Systems )

-NAACL 2019 ( North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics )

-CVPR 2019 ( The Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition )

-EMNLP 2019 ( Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing )

-ICCV 2019 ( International Confrence on Computer Vision )

-ICLR 2019 ( The International Conference on Learning Representations )

Note - Above all forums are those I’m following. Mine are not published yet.


- Medium :- Managing Context in RNNs: LSTMs and GRUs

2020 Forum

-ACL 2020 ( Association for Computational Linguistics )

-ICML 2020 (International Conference on Machine Learning )

-IJCAI 2020 ( International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence )

-KDD 2020 ( Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining )

-NIPS 2020 ( Neural Information Processing Systems )

-CVPR 2020 ( The Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition )

-EMNLP 2020 ( Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing )

-ICCV 2020 ( International Confrence on Computer Vision )

-ICLR 2020 ( The International Conference on Learning Representations )